October 24, 2023 Tags: nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, non-surgical skin tightening, under eye bags remedy
As the sands of time leave their mark on our faces, one of the most unmistakable signs of aging is often etched in the eyes, where fine lines, under-eye puffiness, and the dreaded “jelly roll” can appear all too early. The good news is that you no longer need to resort to surgical measures to turn back the hourglass. A plethora of cutting-edge nonsurgical treatments is now available, offering individuals in this age range the chance to rejuvenate and tighten the delicate skin around their eyes and preserve their natural beauty.
Fine lines and the muscular ridge beneath the eyes, often referred to as the ‘jelly roll’ or ‘under-eye bunching,’ become noticeable in our 30s. These signs manifest as dark circles, puffy bags, and the initial thinning of the skin around the eyes. Some individuals may experience these aging effects even earlier, potentially due to factors like wearing contact lenses or dealing with allergies, which can result in excessive eye rubbing and skin thinning. Additionally, genetics play a pivotal role in the aging of our eyes, making it essential to consider the eye-aging patterns within one’s own family.
To further address these concerns, neurotoxin treatments like Botox Cosmetic or Dysport are recommended to lift brows and brighten the eyes, reducing the appearance of fine lines. Additionally, fillers like the new FDA-approved Restylane Eyelight can replace lost volume in the tear trough area. We highly suggest combining fillers with skin-tightening procedures like Morpheus8 for optimal results.
Morpheus8, a minimally invasive bipolar radio frequency tissue treatment, is renowned for its minimal downtime and impressive outcomes. Patients may experience some redness and swelling on the day of the procedure, which typically subsides within 24 hours.
These nonsurgical treatments offer a diverse array of options for individuals seeking to rejuvenate their eye area without resorting to surgery. Contact us at the plastic surgery office of Dr. J.J. Wendel to learn more about how we can help restore your timeless looks.